How to help businesses during COVID-19

Our digital marketing experts have put together four easy ways you can help support organizations that you love during these difficult times without having to leave your home.
LET'S GET DIGITAL - while you're likely already on your phone reading the latest news, take a moment to review and recommend your favorite businesses! Go beyond just leaving a five star review, share specifically why you love them! This not only helps uplift their spirits, but it actually helps improve their ranking in online searches when real customers share good feedback on their company. So when things get back to normal, they will show up higher in search results! That can be invaluable to some businesses.
DONATE - while you may not want to go out and volunteer, consider asking the company personally how you can help? Do they have a Venmo setup to accept donations for their employees, are they accepting surplus donations for items to give to their team while they're closed for business (toilet paper, food, supplies, etc.) Many nonprofits are in dire need during this time as well. When in doubt, just ask! Once you find out how you can help, SHARE on your own social accounts to help get the word out.
ASK ABOUT GIFT CARDS - this is a popular option for businesses in the hospitality and retail space. While you may not want to go out and shop now, gift cards are a great way to support these businesses now for your needs later! Again, SHARE this information on your own social accounts to help get the word out and to make a difference.
SHARE POSITIVITY - while it's not ideal, many organizations have opted to close out of the overall consideration of others and trust us, it was not an easy decision to make. Instead of bashing businesses for opting for safety and wellness for all, share positivity. Like and share their posts, leave good reviews and recommendations, and of course LIKE their page if you haven't already.
It's important that we work together to get through this and get creative on how we can support one another through these difficult times. Stay well, be safe and hang in there!