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4 ways to optimize email marketing

Amy Sufak

We’ve all done it, selected every unread message in our inbox and immediately sent them all to trash without even looking to see what the email contained. So why is email marketing still relevant and how does it work for your company or brand?

Email marketing has remained relevant as it has evolved with the times. While social media may seem to reign supreme as times, digital marketing, apart from social media, still has a place. You can optimize your email marketing to work for you and better connect with your target audience with these best practices:

  1. Personalize your email newsletter content- generic emails are what most often end up in the trash. Include your contact’s name in the header or subheader or find another fun way to address the receiver with more light-hearted and personalized ways of addressing them, for example: “Hey <insert name>, we hope you’re staying warm!”.

  2. Make that subject line and preview text catchy and click-worthy - you want a good hook that leads people to click on your emails to find out more. Don’t give away all the information in those first couple of lines though.

  3. Be consistent but pay attention to your email platform’s insights - if you send multiple emails a month, chances are, customers are going to look at at least one of them. Creating campaigns that follow your customer through their journey with you can help to keep them coming back for more. If they haven’t clicked any of your previous emails, make sure you aren’t sending them something that wouldn’t make sense without all the previous information.

  4. Create an engaging design - you got them to open your email, now you need them to read it. Eye-catching design and to the point copy will keep the receiver engaged and help to increase conversions.

Whether your newsletter promotes your product or service or updates your consumer on recent news in your business, these tips are sure to help. For expert support in building out a tailored marketing strategy with email marketing, let our team help! Send us a message HERE or give us a call at 719.465.3565.


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